I have been trying to eat more fruits, but today I couldn't resist when they said "we are ordering pizza". PIZZA EQUALS LIFE GUYS. Anyways, I pigged out today, but I drank more water over the past week, and I feel like I am losing a bit of weights with just eating right and occasionally pigging out. I added more greens to my diet such as kale and spinach. I blended some smoothies and drinks to replace some snack cravings and lunch which I will say helped a lot. I am slowly stepping away from chips and candy. I don't really drink soda anymore I stick to water, and lemonade and I am trying to lean off of juice because that has a lot of sugars in it.
On my instagram and twitter, I post what I have been eating, for instance I made a fruit platter with strawberries, mango, blueberries, raspberries and oranges and can I say, making something that looks delicious will make you want to eat your creation. I have been making good-looking fruit bowls and I just want to eat it again. I am trying to get into the habit of eating good foods for my body and lean away from the carbs and sugars.
Today in Psychology, I am learning about like weight, hunger, blah blah blah. I learned about a set point that your body has. "A set point is a theory that states everyone's body has a genetically determined range of weight and temperature that their body will try to maintain to stay at optimal health. This means if Susan has a weight set point of 136 pounds, her body will try to stay around that weight. If she eats less and exercises more, her body's metabolism will slow down. If Susan eats more and exercises less, her body's metabolism will speed up. This does not mean Susan can't ever weigh over 145 pounds or under 120 pounds. It means that her body will attempt to compensate for Susan's eating habits in order to stay in that range.
Proponents of this theory encourage individuals to stay at their body's set point and to accept it despite social pressures to be thin. They believe that the reason people have difficulty losing or gaining weight is because their weight goals are outside of their set point range.
Read more: http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Set%20Point#ixzz2sbANHkDC"
I hope thats help.